Sunday, August 5, 2007

Siggraph 2007 Day 1 (continued)

Found a little time (and a power plug) before the openGL course starts, so I'm going to post some pictures of the flight :-) I'll admit some of them are just for my son, he loves interesting vehicles! Here they are with some comments (click on them for a larger version):

Here's the plane about to take me from Bradley to Atlanta, ready to be boarded!

This is the little train of cars carrying everyone's luggage. This one is at Bradley, but in Atlanta, they were everywhere. It was like hundreds of little centipedes crawling all over the tarmac carrying their baggage with them! They even had their own tunnel under the concourse.

Here's a neat-looking fuel truck for the planes. It's all gas tank!

Here is the guy putting luggage onto the plane (my seat was right above the cargo door!). I'll say I was a tiny bit nervous, because I didn't see my actual bag going up the ramp. I ended up getting it, so it made it to the plane somehow :-) I'm glad I wasn't out there throwing people's luggage around - it was HOT.

This is what Connecticut looks like from I think about 15,000 feet. Landscapes from a plane are just amazing!

A great shot from the plane window of some downright inspirational clouds, somewhere between Connecticut and Georgia. I was watching a movie on my laptop (The Illusionist - which was very, very good, but that's for another post), and just happened to look out the window at the right time to see this.

This is the plane that is waiting to take me from Atlanta to San Diego. This airport is HUGE.

Here is the inside of the plane going to San Diego. The last time I was in a plane this large, we were going all the way to Israel. The in-flight movie was Spider-Man 3, which was awesome. It was also absolutely perfect, because I hadn't yet seen the movie and I'm going to a session about the special effects in it here at Siggraph!

Alright, it's 1:45 and time for the openGL graphics programming intro course. More pictures to come!

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