Sunday, July 8, 2007

The Animals

So, it's been a while - here's a bit more about Omnivore:

The game will feature animals in a big way. I'm not going to say why yet, but I'll say that you as the player will be playing the game as a host of different animals. Big ones, small ones, flying ones, aquatic ones, you name it.

A spider will be one of the main animals you control - it will take up one of the largest parts of the game. This opens up many possibilities including walking on the walls, crawling on the ceiling, using webbing, sneaking onto people and biting them, going into tiny spaces, make huge jumps, etc. Some people in the lab will run away from you, and some will try to stomp you. You will be able to sneak into secret rooms, listen to conversations you otherwise wouldn't hear, and learn more about the story in an different and interesting way. You will probably be a black widow.

Other animals I have definitively decided upon having in the game are a tiger, a grizzly bear, an owl, and a hawk. I'm thinking about having a dolphin and/or a squid as well for some aquatic scenes. Anyone have any other favorite animals they'd like to see?

The animals won't just be there for you to control. There will be opportunities to learn about each animal, from how they move to what they eat to how they interact with people and other animals. I want them all to act as accurately as possible to how they do in the real world. Not only will the game be fun to play, and have a great story, but the chance to learn new things about the animals in this world will be great.

Just being able to see the world through the eyes, ears, and body of an animal will be a huge learning experience. Some animals can see extremely well (even in dark environments), some can hear extremely well, and some can make jumps and do movements that humans can only dream about. Exciting!

1 comment:

cmoore said...

I love hearing about your game. Keep writing! :)