Sunday, December 23, 2007

Carl Sagan

I've decided that Carl Sagan is my hero. If I were able to go back in time and meet anyone in the world, that person would be Carl Sagan. Just a few days ago on December 20th it was the 11th anniversary of his death. The world lost an important person on that day, someone who spread the word of science like very few others have.

The largest reason for this was his creation and writing (with his wife Ann Druyan and Steven Soter) of Cosmos: A Personal Voyage, which is said to have been viewed by over 600 million people worldwide. I'm currently in the process of watching it again, and I'm up to part 4. Anybody who reads this needs to go to their local library, check it out, and watch it. Cosmos is nothing short of astounding, mind-expanding, and inspiring.

Sagan has also written many books, which I've decided to start reading. I'm going to start with The Demon-Haunted World, a book about science, skepticism, and how to make both a part of your life. Since really becoming a skeptic I'd say I need a manual for how to do it, and Carl Sagan is probably the best person to get that instruction from.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Witcher

So, the last week was pretty great. It was my birthday! I picked up a game for myself called The Witcher, which I picked up largely because of a review on Gamers with Jobs. Other places I looked also seemed to say that the game is amazing.

And, after having played for a couple hours, I have to say that they are correct. The game is incredible. There is so much to The Witcher that I can't even fathom all of it yet. I've been very surprised by it on more than one occasion, from the visuals to the music to playing a drinking game against some big dude in an inn (I won! After playing, all the graphics were blurry and my character stumbled around everywhere - awesome!).

After I get a few more hours in, I'll post again about it. I could still be in that new game dazzle faze, so we'll see what happens after I really get going into the story. So far my only complaint, which I share with most people, is that there are a lot of times where you have to wait for parts of the level to load.

As I sit in this cafe, it is snowing outside. Again. I went outside this morning, and just stepping through the snow is a major task. It's almost up to my knees! This is the most snow I've seen on the ground at one time in years, and I gotta say that I'm liking it. The last few winters have been pretty pointless - little snow, incredibly cold temperatures, etc. At least this year we're off to a great start. It looks like this is going to be a REAL winter!

Oh, I have to mention Portal again. I managed to finish it, and I'll say that it's one of the best games I've ever played. It is 4-5 hours of pure greatness. If you play video games at all in any way, spend the $20 at SteamPowered and download it!

Time to load up The Witcher!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Long time no post

Wow, I haven't posted since August! I've nearly forgotten about my little blog. I'm sure by now nobody is reading this any more. Oh well. I can still post stuff, if anything, for myself. Maybe I'll post things to remember or something like that.

I'm having fun with Blender.

I just listened to an audio book called The Ultimate Gift. It was really good, though not very realistic. It was more of a guide for life in the form of a novel, so what it set out to do, it did well. Live Every Day to its Fullest. Indeed.

I'm still going through BioShock, and it's still an amazing game. It is really something to model my own game after, in terms of storytelling, excitement, mystery, and fun. Mine will be a bit of a different focus, and it'll be better of course.

Got a chance to try out Portal today, and it is true what people have been saying. It is GREAT. I've only played about 20 minutes of it, and I'm already hooked. It is probably the most innovative puzzle game I've ever played.

Until next time... Promising myself it won't be over three months of nothing again.